International organisation, national government and industrial stakeholders have placed much emphasis on food safety for many years from field to…
Interesting article on the relevance of meat juice seroprevalence and presence of yersinia enterocolitica and Salmonella spp. in pig tonsils…
Antimicrobial resitance is a serious problem which needs urgent action EFSA published this news article today
A strategy document regarding Salmonella control in Sweden, for more information see here (In Swedish)
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA) on Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) associated with meat and dairy…
Raw milk, unpasteurized milk, hospitalizations, consumption of cow’s milk and cheese, zoonosis
Observational Study of the Impact of a Food Safety Intervention on Consumer Poultry Washing Interesging study on washing chicken, see…
EU One Health report: drop in reported zoonotic diseases in humans and foodborne outbreaks in 2020 Very interesting development, indicating…
The WHO has published an overview of COVID vaccine development. A presentation can be downloaded from here
One health happening! Interesting comments :One World, One Medicine, One Health OIE guide to good farming and food safety, See…