About FCC

Company structure

The company was established in Edinburgh Scotland in February 1999 as a limited company. During the years a number of experts have joint the team expanding the professional base in matters such as European veterinary legislation, veterinary public health, risk based food safety systems, laboratories and supervision in the food industry. The following are some of the key services provided by the company:

  • Capacity building to promote change.
  • Assessments and upgrading of EU agri-food business to EU standards, auditing of food establishment, verification of compliance, elaboration of plans and programmes for upgrading. Lectures and seminars on the Aquis Communautaire in the field of food safety, veterinary public health and animal health.
  • Assessment and/ or Introduction and of HACCP and pre-requisite programs in food establishments (GMP, SSOPs, auto-controls). Lectures and seminars in that field.
  • Providing software (databases) for assessment of agri-food businesses – laptops – hand held devices (Estabman).
  • Assessment of risk based food safety systems including official supervision of the food industry, legal framework, enforcement agencies, laboratories and checks on imports. Providing transpositions of EU rules and regulations and framework laws, e.g food law, veterinary framework law and relevant secondary legislation.
  • Advice to Third Country governments on compliance with EU third country rules and regulations concerning export of food of animal origin to the European Union.
  • Animal identification systems, tracing and tracking of animals and products of animal origin. Providing databases and infrastructure for animal ID systems.
  • Assessment of laboratories including analytical chemistry, veterinary diagnostics, microbiology. Offering wide range of supplies for laboratories.

More information on FCC

An indicative list of recent projects carried out by the company: Recent assignments For more detailed information about the company please the following document (please use “save as” for download): Company information

Dr. Olafur Oddgeirsson

Director of Food Control Consultants Ltd
Graduated from Veterinary Collage in Hannover Germany in 1977 and continued to finish his post graduate studies in 1980.
Dr. Oddgeirsson worked for 10 years for the dairy industry in Iceland establishing and operating a dairy laboratory followed by almost seven years as a senior officer at the EFTA Surveillance Authority in Brussels, responsible for checking the implementation and application of the EU veterinary legislation in the EFTA States. Close cooperation was established during that time with the EU veterinary inspection service (FVO today) followed by a continuous harmonisation between the services.
After establishing Food Control Consultants Ltd, Dr Oddgeirsson worked extensively with DG NEAR (TAIEX Office) of the European Commission, carrying out assessments of food and veterinary systems in all recent and present EU candidate countries. For the last six years he has been responsible for supporting laboratories and competent authorities in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries within the scope of the EDES programme. He has country experience: Europe, Central Asia, Africa, South America, Caribbean and the Pacific Regions.
For more information please see the enclosed Curriculum Vitae CV of Dr Oddgeirsson

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