Compliance with EU legislation Important service for companies producing food of animal origin expecting EU / ESA inspection. Examples: Fish processing facilities, slaughterhouses, cutting plants, meat processing plants and dairy plants. |
Databases for animal and veterinary puplic health Using hand held devices linked to a central database mobile hand held devices. Web-enabled, platform independent and quickly implemented, adaptable to any environment. This system can be used to record information on farm livestock such as veterinary diseases, treatments, restrictions on movement, slaughter and sale of animal products. Helps managing the information of the food chain and enables risk-based meat inspection by providing farm level data (e.g. treatment and diagnosis) to the official veterinarian at ante- and postmortem inspection. |
Legal matters Establish legal framework on e.g. food safety, animal health, veterinary public health and feedingstuffs. Develop draft Veterinary Framework Acts and implement secondary legislation. Please contact use for information on other topics. |
Border controls Advice to competent authorities concerning the implementation of the European legislation applicable to checks on imports of live animals and animal products from third countries into the EEA area (European Union and EFTA-EEA states). Inspection and assessment of boarder inspection facilities, assessment of procedure and training of staff. |
Assessment of internal control Assessment of internal controls in establishments processing food of animal origin. Assessment of own checks including pre-requisite programmes and HACCP. Providing IT systems for registration of the data collected. |
Advice on construction Advice on planning and constructing dairy plants, slaughterhouses and meat processing plants. Full project management including construction, installations and the initial production phase. |
Advice on animal by-products Advice on rules and regulations regarding animal by-products including legislation, procedures, handling and storing. |
Lectures Lectures and seminars are available on any of the issues listed above. External experts might be recruited if required. |
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