Dear friends,
EFSA has published information animal welfare. This is an important issue which should always be considered during farming and food of animal origin production. It should matter to everybody, but in particular veterinarians working on farms and in slaughterhouses. They are the custodians of the welfare of animals.
Please go to : EFSA animal welfare information site for more information.
Please see several links at the bottom of the page such as e.g. :
- Monitoring of animal welfare at slaughterhouses – EFSA publishes scientific opinion on bovines
- Criteria for evaluating studies on stunning methods – EFSA consults on guidance document
- Scientific Opinion on the electrical parameters for the stunning of lambs and kid goats
- Scientific Opinion on the use of carbon dioxide for stunning rabbits
- EFSA meets stakeholders to discuss monitoring of animal welfare at slaughterhouses
- Technical meeting on animal welfare: workshop on the use of animal-based measures for dairy cows, pigs and broilers
- Scientific Opinion on the use of animal-based measures to assess welfare of broilers
You opinion and comments are welcome!