Key Benefits
- Correct structure of the food and veterinary legislation
- Efficient structure of the veterinary services
- Advice to Third Countries to achieve compliance for exporting of products of animal origin to the EU
- Expert advice on drafting and implementing secondary legislation
Elaboration of Veterinary Framework Acts
A veterinary framework act lays down the basic structure of veterinary supervision, such as for animal health, public health, foodstuffs, feeding stuffs and veterinary medicinal products. The correct structure of this basic legislation is essential for a smooth and successful empowerment and interaction between the relevant services. The main references are the World Organisation for Animal Health OIE
Impact Assessment
We carry out impact assessments and evaluations in preparation for the implementation of food and veterinary legislation as well as evaluations of existing legal act(s). This might include stakeholders’ interviews and economic impact assessment and/ or cost benefit analysis. The evaluations will e.g. take into account issues such as relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficacy and potential added value of using the legislation.
Assessment on compliance – Third Countries export to EU
Assessment of veterinary legislation in Third Countries preparing for export to the EU market. Assessment of laboratories, import regimes and production facilities. Assistance and administrative support to the veterinary services concerned, such as compiling reports and letters to support application to be included on the list of countries and establishments permitted to export to the EU market.
Participation in negotiations on veterinary matters
Expert advice at the correct moment during sensitive negotiations might safeguard for unexpected surprises at later date.
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