Recent Assignmemts
The list below is not complete but is designed to give an indication of the projects undertaken by the company.
Develop proposal for an upgraded system of animal identification system in the UK The specific objectives of this assignment were the following: Assessment existing databases and identification systems; stakeholder meetings with industry and Agencies involved in animal identification; cooperation with the Animal Health Agency in the UK analysing animal health suprvision and surveillance; analysis the existing systems and databases identifying GAPs and areas for improvement; developing a proposal for a new animal identification system for the England and Wales; develop and IT framework for an new database structure; conduct several meetings with stakeholders; Carry out a cost benefit analysis for a new system in cooperation with the Ministry; develop a maturity matrix for the system, using five other systems from around the world as reference |
Improved food chain information and collection and communication of inspection results (2014 and 2015) UK Food Standards Agency This study focused on the provision of food chain information (FCI) to slaughterhouses and the collection and communication of inspection results (CCIR) to producers, their veterinarians and relevant officials. A new concept for a risk – based FCI/CCIR model was proposed based on two key features: i) increased sampling and laboratory analysis for microbiology and residues, and; ii) enhanced data capture, handling and utilisation. For more information please go to this link: FS517009 |
Health Sector Technology Transfer And Institutional Reform Project in Kazakhstan (06-2014 to 12-2015) WB The general objective of the project was to provide technical and methodological support to the Ministry of Health on the following general issues: Harmonization of standards of Food Safety indexes including MRLs of nitrates, radionuclides, antibiotics and veterinary drugs in food stipulated by technical regulations of Customs Union to meet international requirements. This project was carried out in cooperation with AECOM International Development |
The EDES Programme: Strengthening Food Safety Systems through SPS measures in ACP countries (2010-2016) An EU Programme, financed by the 9th EDF, the overall objective of the programme was to improve the contribution of food and feed trade to poverty reduction in ACP beneficiary countries through improved food safety, animal and plant health. FCC was responsible for laboratory support in general and all support in the Caribbean and Pacific regions in particular. For more information go to EDES |
SANCO/2008/E2/036, Analysis of the costs and benefits of setting a target for the reduction of Salmonella in slaughter and breeding pigs (three contracts 2009-2013) The purpose of the contract is to provide the European Commission with an analysis of the costs and benefits in the EU of setting a target for reduction of Salmonella infections in slaughter pigs. The outcome of the baseline survey will be used as reference values to estimate the costs of respectively a 50% and 90% reduction of the mean prevalence at EU level, based on bacteriology of ileo-caecal lymph nodes over a period of 5 to 10 years. |
For the TAIEX office of the European Union: Visits to all the applicant countries for assessment of their Agri-food industry. Inspection of food establishments followed by lectures. During 2005 visits to the Westen Balkan countries for the same purpose. |
For the Norwegian Food Control Authority: Assessments of the implementation of Council Directive 92/46/EEC in Norway. Inspection of establishments for compliance with EU veterinary rules. Providing advice on corrective actions to the Authority. |
For the food industry in Norway and Iceland: Assessments of several establishments for compliance with EU veterinary rules providing and advice on corrective actions. |
For LOK, a Danish development agency: Lectures and training audits in fresh meat and meat processing establishment in Poland, carried out on behalf of LOK (Landbrugets Oplysnings- og Kursusvirksomhed) in Denmark. |
For the Ministry of Agriculture in Iceland: Studies on the impact of the proposed implementation of Annex I to the EEA agreement on the Icelandic agriculture. A detailed analysis of the Icelandic and the European situation was carried out and a report prepared on the issue. |
For the Food Council of Iceland: Studies on EU system of Reference laboratories. Assessment of the need for reference laboratories in Iceland. |
For Dairy company in Cyprus: Audit of two dairy plants for compliance with the relevant EU legislation. Implementation of internal controls and preparations for EU inspection. |
For the Ministry of Agriculture in Malta: Preparation of draft Veterinary Framework Act. |
For the Ministry of Agriculture in Andorra: Elaboration on the implementation of Council Directive 92/46/EEC. |
For the Food Control Authority on the Faeroe Islands: Reporting on EU’s third country rules and regulations. Advice on the establishment of a Veterinary Border Inspection Post. |
For the Ministry of Agriculture in Andorra Transposition of the EU veterinary legislation in Andorra. |
For the Ministry of Agriculture in Malta: Transposition of EU veterinary legislation. |
For Information Society: Participating as an independent expert in development of animal identification and veterinary surveillance systems to EU standards in CEEC and EU Associated Countries, 2001-2002. Project Number IST-2001-3235. (European Commission IST Programme) |
For DG Enlargement: Peer review establishments. Assessment of the agri-food industry in the Candidate Countries to the European Union and progress in complying with EU standards. An annual ongoing program. |
EuropeAid/114338/C/SV/ACP Strengthening Fishery Products Health Conditions in ACP/OCT Countries. Five years programme commencing 2003. |
Icelandic Ministry of Agriculture 2002 – 2004. An assessment of dairy and fresh meat establishments in Iceland with regard to EU requirements. |
The World Bank – 2004 Assessment of the structure of the Competent Authority for the food chain, the relevant reference laboratories and border inspection posts in Romania. |
The Competent Authority (SENASA) and the Beef Promotion Board of Argentina – 2004 Assessment of compliance of the industry with EU rules with regards to Animal Identification, Animal Husbandry and food processing establishments. |
EuropAid 2007-8 SPS support in Russian Federation, lectures on EU veterinary matters. |
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